Saturday, February 19, 2011

X-Box versus Facebook

Facebook junky compared to x-box junky. Addiction is always there when something makes you feel good. The comparison is between a lonely housewife and a teenage child. One has communication through their facebook. The other through playing games but can communicate with friends through x-box live. So both communicate with others through the networking. This situation is defently needing a counselor. The 13 year old comes home from school and has to jump on the x-box to communicate with his friends. The mother comes home and has to get right on the computer to facebook with her friends.Everyday is an addiction for both of these people. Dinner is not cooked and homework is not done. Chores are left undone the dogs haven't been fed. The mother is in the wrong by not setting an example for her child. This would be a good ideal for Dr. Phil to take it over please can you help these people. Networking today has become dangerously unhealthy to society. This is dangerous being an addict to facebook there was a women who let her baby drown in the bath tub while she was playing on facebook. Everyone has a vice being drugs the computor or video games, there is help out there for all of these addictions. I believe its called change and courage to change things.I think monitoring the time your on facebook or x-box will be a start. Taking it away would not be productive little by little should help the problem. Being cured of being a junky to facebook and x-box will happen in time.This is a problem society may not think so but new electronics have only been around for maybe ten years the access is so available that they haven't done studies on these situations.I'm sure someone in a relationship have left their spouse because they wouldn't get off facebook. A girlfriend has left her boyfriend because he wouldn't get off x-box. Well people this is a problem and it needs help.


  1. I totally agree things like facebook, twitter, xbox and wii have totally become addictive in today's society. So many people so much time and energy on these things that it does leave little time to get things done. However it depends on the will of the person because I occasionally enjoy facebook and twitter and I still get other things accomplished.

  2. I find absoloutly nothing wrong with people prefering or enjoying social media, or playing video games. I do however believe these things should be done in moderation. When chatrooms first became popular I was a bit obsessive myself, if I wasent married I probly still would be. It is the ease of access that makes it addictive, its right there and instantly gratifying. Video games are the same, there for you at the click of a button, but you have to break up the time you spend on either. So, from now on when the "facebook junky" gets home, maybe she should do a few other activities before loging on, to practice some restraint.

  3. Electronics of any kind definitely have the potential to be addictive. The reason why is that most of today's electronic devices have social networking capabilities. People these days would rather hide behind a computer or gaming device than have an actual conversation with people. I have no room to talk about this because of the fact that i play an online game religiously, but i do not just sit there all day/night playing. My boyfriend, on the other hand is horrible about managing his time playing on his computer and spending time with people. I could be sitting next to him trying to talk and he would ignore me and stay focused on his game.

  4. With all of the technology of internet, texting, and video games. This becomes a problem for young adults with basic verbal communication skills , due to the lack of in society today. Sometimes I find myself on facebook, instant messaging because I don't want to verbally speak with anyone at that given time. Within this tech world will this problem increase or decrease???
